At SOHEDEO-Amahoro Iwacu, we support elderly people in different ways: home visits, paying medical insurance for them, advocating for food, shelter and clothes as basic needs they aren’t able to afford for
themselves etc.
It’s in this respect that SOHEDEO-Amahoro Iwacu, through advocacy that has been made towards the Diocesan CARITAS of Butare Diocese in catholic church, MUKARUBIBI Euphrasie, 92 yrs old living in Rusizi District, Mururu sector, was granted with a wheelchair.

In her own words this 92 years old woman that SOHEDEO – Amahoro Iwacu supported with a wheelchair, has testified: “I had forgotten the sun, I lived only in the house like a prisoner. I was desperate and ready to die in my bed because I believed none cares for me. Now, I am happy and since I will be going outside, people will see me and come to salute me”.